Welcome to my craft blog. Sit back and relax as I show photos of my latest creations along with favorite recipes and garden photos of my backyard. ALL PHOTOS ARE PROPERTY OF GINGER CREME HOLLOW AND MAY NOT BE COPIED WITHOUT CONSENT FROM ME.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today is the first day of spring and it's raining. Hope it melts all the snow. We have lots yet here in northern Wisconsin. Can't wait to get out and start gardening. Here are some of my irises from a previous year.

Also, Kim at Old Road Primitives, http://oldroadprimitives.blogspot.com had a surprise giveaway for the first three people that commented on her blog and I was one of them. I got to pick out a pattern of my choice from her website. How cool is that? Check out her blog and website if you haven't already. She has so many adorable prim patterns. Kim, thank you so much.